A few years ago we started to look at sites and knew that as Architects, we had the potential to unlock sites for development. If we have that knowledge then we wanted to own the process and realise the opportunities for ourselves. This came following the establishment of our own construction arm to build our projects. We wanted to own the construction risk and be more involved in the build process, helping to make important decisions on quality, cost and direction of project.
The end result is three houses that we hope show you how a traditional terraced house can be configured on a much tighter site, providing a prototype pencil house format to be used on other sites within the city. Alongside a new format of building, the spaces had to be great quality - no corners cut - to ensure these homes are deserving of their future occupiers. They also have a very low carbon footprint, run entirely on electricity, with an MVHR system, air source heat pump and green roof system.