Fraher and Findlay Construction Ltd
Health and Safety Policy


General Policy Statement

Roles and Responsibilities: Organisational Charts

Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities

The Board of Directors

Health and Safety (HS) Director

Health and Safety (HS) Manager

Health and Safety (HS) Delivery Manager 6

Project/ Design Lead

Site Coordinator

Site Manager

The Competent Person

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) Dutyholders

Suppliers/ Contractors


Site Operatives


Fraher and Findlay SPVs

Contact Information

Other useful contacts:

Arrangements for Health and Safety Management

Risk Assessments, method statements and safe systems of work



Welfare facilities (on site)

First Aid

Accident or near miss reporting and investigation

Occupational Health

Hazard reporting

Emergency Procedures

Monitoring and review

Additional Policies



Drug and Alcohol


Mental Health

General Policy Statement

The Board of Directors of the Fraher and Findlay Group of Companies are committed to ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of our staff and other people who may be affected by our activities.

In particular, we seek to:

  1. Provide and maintain plant and systems to be, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health.

  2. Make arrangements, so far as is reasonably practicable, for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of materials and substances.

  3. Provide and maintain a place of work which is comfortable to work in and, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risk to health.

  4. Prevent accidents and work related ill health by managing the significant health and safety risks in our workplace.

  5. Provide clear information, instruction and where necessary, appropriate training and supervision to enable staff to be competent to do their job.

  6. Engage and consult with our staff on matters affecting their health and safety.

  7. Establish and implement procedures to deal with significant incidents such as fire or first aid.

  8. Monitor our health and safety performance and review our policies and procedures to keep them up to date and effective.

We ask all our staff and other relevant persons e.g. Suppliers/ Contractors, to cooperate with us on matters of health and safety and to act responsibly to prevent injury to themselves and others.

How we organise our health and safety responsibilities and the particular arrangements that we make in order to implement the policy are set out in the Roles and Responsibilities and Arrangements sections of this document.

Joseph Fraher
For and on behalf of the Fraher and Findlay Group of Companies

Date: 26th September 2019

Roles and Responsibilities: Organisational Chart
Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities

The Board of Directors

The Board has overall responsibility for health and safety as it applies to the Fraher and Findlay Group of Companies. This involves the following:

  1. To set the direction for effective health and safety management.

  2. To seek to ensure that health and safety is adequately resourced.

  3. To promote good communication with staff and other relevant persons to encourage a positive safety culture.

  4. To review health and safety performance regularly at Board Meetings.

Health and Safety (HS) Director

In respect of health and safety matters, the HS Director is responsible for establishing the health and safety management strategy across the Fraher and Findlay Group of Companies. This role involves the following:

  1. To develop and maintain a health and safety policy.

  2. To identify the significant risks associated with the activities of the Fraher and Findlay Group of Companies and seek to ensure suitable and sufficient risk management systems and practices are established to remove, reduce or control risk.

  3. To establish a process to seek to ensure a trained and competent workforce.

  4. To engage a person or persons to provide competent health and safety advice where in-house resources are limited.

  5. To review health and safety performance and make a regular report to The Board of Directors.

  6. To promote good communication with staff and other relevant persons and encourage a positive safety culture.

Health and Safety (HS) Manager

The HS Manager is responsible for the implementation of health and safety strategy for Group activities as this relates to tenants, management of our office premises and the staff who work there. The HS Manager also liaises with the HS Delivery Manager where appropriate e.g. coordinating accident reporting and investigation. Matters relating to the repair, refurbishment, maintenance or redevelopment of property are the responsibility of the HS Delivery Manager.

This role involves implementing measures to seek to ensure:

  1. A trained and competent workforce.

  2. A liaison with Suppliers/ Contractors, Tenants and the HS Delivery Manager to identify relevant and significant health and safety issues and agree appropriate measures to minimise the associated risks.

  3. The induction of tenants, office staff and Suppliers/ Contractors (where appropriate).

  4. The management of accidents/ non-injury incidents and work related illness across the Group. Where these result in serious or potentially serious injury/ illness to report to the HS Director.

  5. The monitoring of health and safety performance and a regular report to the HS Director.

  6. Good communication with staff and other relevant persons and encourage a positive safety culture.

Health and Safety (HS) Delivery Manager

The HS Delivery Manager is responsible for the implementation of health and safety strategy for activities relating to the repair, refurbishment, maintenance or redevelopment of property. The HS Delivery Manager also liaises with the HS Manager where appropriate e.g. coordinating accident reporting and investigation, discussing concerns.

The role involves implementing measures to seek to ensure:

  1. A trained and competent workforce.

  2. Our responsibilities under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations, 2015 (CDM15) and other relevant health and safety regulations are properly discharged.

  3. Regular liaison with project teams from planning to hand over to identify relevant and significant health and safety issues and agree appropriate measures to minimise the associated risks.

  4. Work environments are safe which includes adequate welfare facilities.

  5. Accidents, non-injury incidents and work related illness are reported to the HS Manager.

  6. Regular communication with the HS Manager, Site Coordinator and as appropriate e.g. accident reporting and investigation, health and safety concerns.

  7. Monitoring of health and safety performance and a regular report provided to the HS Director.

  8. Good communication with staff and other relevant persons and encourage a positive safety culture.

Site Coordinator

The Site Coordinator is responsible for coordinating site management across project sites. The Site Coordinator liaises with Site Managers and the HS Delivery Manager where appropriate e.g. accidents, design changes.

The role involves implementing measures to seek to ensure:

  1. Site Operatives, visitors and other relevant persons e.g. members of the public are protected from harm.

  2. Site and operational risks have been identified and appropriate measures developed to protect against harm.

  3. Site Operatives are competent to undertake their work or supervised by someone who is competent.

  4. Plant and equipment is fit for purpose, inspected and maintained in accordance with statutory requirements, recognised good practice and/ or the manufacturer's recommendations.

  5. Materials are sourced, stored, used and disposed of safely.

  6. Adequate arrangements for dealing with unplanned events, particularly emergencies are developed and in place before work starts.

  7. Relevant health and safety documentation is readily available on site and maintained for the duration of the project or as otherwise agreed.

  8. Site Managers are adequately supported to discharge their responsibilities.

  9. Accidents, non-injury incidents and work related illness are recorded and reported to the HS Delivery Manager as soon as is practicable.

  10. Health and safety information/ concerns are reported to the HS Delivery Manger. For example, suggestions for improvements to health and safety arrangements, reporting of accidents, breaches of procedure etc.

  11. Good communication with Site Operatives and other relevant persons and encourage a positive safety culture.

The Competent Person

David Hutchinson has been appointed by the Group of Companies to provide competent advice on the management of health and safety.

Site Manager

The Site Manager is responsible for co-ordinating site set up and on-going site management.

This includes implementing a process to seek to ensure:

  1. Day to day site hazards are identified and managed appropriately.

  2. Site Operatives and visitors are trained, competent and provided with suitable and sufficient information, instruction or supervision to be safe from harm and avoid harm to others e.g. induction training, toolbox talks, daily briefings.

  3. Liaison with the Site Coordinator on health and safety issues likely to significantly impact risk assessments or safe working methods e.g. accidents, design changes.

  4. Accidents, non-injury and work related illness are reported to the Site Coordinator.

  5. Good communication with Site Operatives and other relevant persons and encourage a positive safety culture.

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) Dutyholders

We recognise our business activities fall within the scope of CDM Regulations. Accordingly, we will seek to ensure that, where we are appointed to a duty holder role, we discharge our duties effectively and coordinate with other duty holders as necessary.

We will also seek to ensure that our clients are aware of their responsibilities under CDM.

Suppliers/ Contractors

Suppliers/ Contractors must cooperate with our health and safety policies and practices including:

  1. Complete our selection procedure which will involve supplying evidence of competence, professional standing and a good attitude to safety.

  2. Discharge their undertakings in a safe manner, within relevant health and safety laws, codes and standards.

  3. Communicate with relevant persons for the duration of the work to be undertaken.

  4. Machinery and equipment brought onto site must be subject to an appropriate test and inspection regime. Suppliers/ Contractors may be asked to provide evidence to support their maintenance arrangements where concerns arise.

  5. Suppliers/ Contractors must use their own machinery, equipment, materials and substances unless specifically agreed in writing.

  6. Not to undertake any unauthorised work.

  7. Take appropriate precautions to avoid harm to Employees and other persons who might be affected by the work undertaken e.g. other Suppliers/ Contractors on site, visitors and members of the public. This includes keeping fire exits and escape routes free from obstructions, keeping unauthorised people out of work areas, storing hazardous substances safely and removing waste materials regularly to avoid a build-up.

  8. Not start work until they have received a safety induction which will include information about emergency procedures and site safety rules (if applicable).

  9. Where relevant, supply a construction phase plan before starting work which is proportionate to the job to be undertaken and provided in sufficient time to enable follow up if necessary.

  10. Where relevant, demonstrate adequate attention to relevant risks associated with the work to be undertaken e.g. risk assessments, method statements.


Health and safety is everyone's responsibility. Accordingly, employees are expected to cooperate on matters of health and safety and play their part in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all.

This involves the following:

  1. Don't put yourself or others in harm's way.

  2. Be familiar with the Health and Safety Policy and any health and safety responsibilities that apply to their job.

  3. Follow safety rules and safe working practices.

  4. Only using machinery, equipment, materials or substances you are authorised to in the manner intended, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

  5. Report unsafe or potentially unsafe conditions that cannot safely and easily put right to your line manager as soon as possible.

  6. Report work related injuries or near miss events (an incident which could have resulted in a serious injury but didn't) as soon as possible to your line manager.

  7. Not misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety.

Site Operatives

Site Operatives
are expected to cooperate on matters of health and safety and play their part in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all. This includes:

  1. Don't put yourself or others in harm's way.

  2. Sign in and out as directed by the Site Manager.

  3. Don't enter work areas unless authorised to do so.

  4. Don't start work until you have received a safety induction which will include information about emergency procedures and safety rules.

  5. Follow safety rules and safe working practices.

  6. Only using machinery, equipment, materials or substances you are authorised to in the manner intended, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

  7. Report unsafe or potentially unsafe conditions that cannot safely and easily put right to the Site Manager as soon as possible.

  8. Wear any personal protective clothing or equipment required to protect you from harm.

  9. Do not misuse anything provided for your safety or the safety of others.

  10. Report any accident or non-injury incident, however minor, dangerous condition or any illness you believe is related to your work to the Site Manager.


We recognise our duty of care to the Tenants of the properties for which we provide management services. Accordingly, we seek to:

  1. Communicate relevant information by the most suitable means and format.

  2. Establish a means for tenants to report issues and respond to these in a timely manner, proportionate to the level of risk.

  3. Tenants must cooperate with arrangements to protect their health and safety and the health and safety of others who may be affected e.g. Suppliers/ Contractors, members of the public. Refer to individual tenancy agreements for specific detail.

Contact Information

If you have a health and safety query or concern, please contact:

1. Health and Safety Director

Ruth-Marie Mackrodt

020 8948 4848

2. Health and Safety Manager

Gemma Gilham-Law

020 8948 4848

3. Health and Safety Delivery Manager

Ketie Van Der Wateren

020 8948 4848

Other useful contacts:

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

  1. General enquiries at

  2. Report an injury, disease or dangerous occurrence online at

  3. Report a work related death or specified injury by telephone: 0345 300 9923 (opening hours Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5 pm)

  4. Report a work related death, serious incident involving multiple casualties or major disruption to the local area out of hours telephone the HSE duty officer on 0151 922 9235.

DWH Consulting - David Hutchinson TechIOSH CMaPS

Telephone: 01634 243804


Arrangements for health and safety management

The following section sets out our arrangements to minimise, as far as is reasonably practicable foreseeable, risks to the health and safety of our staff and persons other than our employees who may be affected by our activities such as Suppliers/ Contractors, residents, tenants, visitors and members of the public.

More detail about our health and safety arrangements can be found in the Resource Centre on our online management system.

Risk Assessments, method statements and safe systems of work

The HS Director is responsible for ensuring that a system is established for identifying the foreseeable risks associated with the business activities of the Fraher and Findlay Group of Companies and establishing risk control measures appropriate to those risks. This will involve the completion of risk assessments for all potentially hazardous operations we undertake or where health and safety legislation requires a risk assessment to be carried out.

Control measures appropriate to the level of risk will be implemented to remove or reduce the risk. These may include documented method statements and/or safe systems of work.

We may also require Suppliers/ Contractors to provide documented risk assessments and method statements where appropriate. For example, in accordance with the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 or where a task or activity is proposed which has safety implications for our employees and which falls beyond the scope of our existing risk profile.

The significant findings of risk assessments will be communicated to and be available for inspection by all employees and other relevant parties e.g. Principal Contractor, other Contractors.

Risk assessments for construction works will be prepared per project and maintained by the Site Coordinator.

Other risk assessments will be prepared and maintained by the HS Manager.

Risk assessments are led by persons who are competent to do so with input from individuals with experience of the work activities being assessed.

Risk assessments will be regularly reviewed to ensure they remain valid.


We encourage an "open door" policy on health and safety matters where staff can express their views, raise concerns and contribute to decision making.

Consultation will follow the Company health and safety reporting structure (see Organisation Chart). The HS Manager/ HS Delivery Director will coordinate consultations with relevant personnel on matters such as:

  1. Accidents / near misses

  2. New employees / new technology

  3. Risk assessments

  4. Occupational health

  5. Responsibilities

  6. Hazard reports

  7. Public safety

  8. Training needs

  9. Changes that may substantially affect their health and safety, for example, changes in safe systems of work, materials and substances used etc.
Consultation will be in a manner best suited to the issue such as informal chats, staff briefings/ Toolbox Talks, staff appraisals and comments/ suggestions box. We will seek to ensure that the consultation process takes account of individual needs so that all staff can contribute effectively.

Where appropriate management may also consult with other stakeholders on health and safety matters either informally or via formally convened and minuted safety meetings or a combination of both whichever is appropriate.


Competence is defined as having the necessary blend of skills, knowledge, experience and aptitude to undertake a task or role. Accordingly, job descriptions and person specifications will be provided when recruiting staff. Where there competence gaps are identified, additional training and/or supervision will be provided. The level of supervision will be commensurate with the level of risk and consider individual characteristics such as age, experience, etc.

We will provide all employees, sub-contractors and visitors with suitable and sufficient health and safety information, instruction, training and supervision, so far as is reasonably practicable, to facilitate a safe site as follows:

  1. At induction

  2. At regular intervals thereafter

  3. On transfer or promotion to new duties

  4. On introduction of new technology

  5. On changes to systems of work

  6. When training needs are identified during risk assessments.
Senior Management will be included in the health and safety training programme.

The HS Director will develop a training strategy for the Company with input from the HS Manager and HS Delivery Manager. The HS Manager and HS Delivery Manager will implement this strategy and maintain records of all health and safety training.

Competence of contractors will be determined by reference to background checks the detail of which will be influenced by the level of risk associated with the work to be undertaken. As a minimum, this will involve checks on professional standing, qualifications and insurance.

Welfare facilities (on site)

The HS Delivery Manager in consultation with the Site Coordinator will identify the welfare needs on a per project basis and provision for these needs at the project planning stage. Exactly what welfare facilities are required will depend on project size, duration and activities undertaken.

Details of welfare facilities will be covered in the Construction Phase Plan.

First Aid

We will, through risk assessment, seek to ensure that suitable and sufficient first aid provision is made to assist our employees.

First aiders will be appointed in accordance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1982 (as amended). First aiders will be responsible for taking prompt and appropriate action following an accident.

First aiders will also be responsible for the maintenance of the contents of all first aid kits and ensure that only items specified are retained in the kits.

Accident or near miss reporting and investigation

We will establish a system for reporting accidents and encourage that all accidents requiring first aid treatment, incidents and near misses are reported to line managers and entered in the relevant Accident Book.

Where possible the Accident Book will be completed by the injured person. Where this is not possible, the relevant line manager will make the entry on their behalf. The relevant line manager will report all accidents, potentially serious non injury incidents and serious events e.g. fire, to the HS Manager. The HS Manager will liaise with the HS Delivery Manager (where appropriate) and the HS Director to agree the extent of any follow up action based on the severity of the accident or potential severity in the case of a near miss event and the likelihood of a recurrence.

The HS Manager will report accident investigation findings to the HS Director where they deem this level of reporting is required.

Accidents, incidents and ill health reportable under The Reportable Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)will be reported by HS Manager who will seek to ensure all statutory duties under RIDDOR are discharged, all reasonable requests by external investigators are facilitated and the event is thoroughly investigated internally.

Our accident records will be regularly reviewed, and policies, procedures and safe systems of work amended where appropriate.

Occupational Health

We seek to protect all our employees from any reasonably foreseeable ill health effects associated with their employment or which might be made worse by work. Accordingly, we seek to work with our employees and accredited occupational health practitioners where appropriate to implement reasonable occupational health surveillance and make reasonable adjustments to our work place where necessary.

Incidents of work related illness will be reported to and managed by the HS Manager by the relevant line manager in consultation with the HS Delivery Manager where appropriate.

Hazard reporting

We are committed to championing a positive safety culture which involves all our employees and others who work at our site or use our facilities.

We recognise that understanding the hazards associated with our business activities and being vigilant to these is key to the prevention of accidents and incidents. Accordingly, we will ensure that an effective system is in place to maintain a safe site.

Emergency Procedures

Emergency procedures covering unplanned events will be established, documented and communicated to all relevant person in an appropriate manner. This may involve consultation with other parties e.g. sub-contractors, other occupiers of shared premises.

Where individuals have a specific role in emergency procedures such as fire marshals, additional training will be provided.

Emergency procedures will be reviewed where necessary to take account of significant changes that might have an impact on their effectiveness. For example, changes in layout, machinery, substances or personnel.

Emergency procedures will be practiced where appropriate to remind personnel of what to do and identify weaknesses in procedure.

Monitoring and review

To ensure our health and safety arrangements remain effective in controlling the hazards associated with our business activities we will make appropriate arrangements for the routine monitoring of systems and procedures. Where appropriate records will be maintained of routine monitoring and these will be referred to in deciding the effectiveness of our control measures.

In addition to routine site opening and closing checks undertaken by the Site Manager, unannounced site inspections will be undertaken by the Site Coordinator or an independently appointed third party.

We will review our health and safety policy regularly, particularly where significant changes have occurred in our organisational structure, the nature of the business activities or the way in which these activities are carried out. The HS Director will lead policy reviews assisted by competent advisors.

Following each review, risk assessments and our procedures derived from risk assessments will be updated where necessary. Employees, and sub-contractors will be advised of any changes to policy and procedures as they occur.

Additional Policies


We aim to fulfil our obligations under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRFSO) 2005 by carrying out an assessment of the fire risks at our office premises and on site, as necessary in respect of residential or commercial property management. For project work, we seek to ensure that the fire risk is regularly reviewed as the project develops. Our fire safety strategy may involve consultation and co-operation with other relevant parties.

Where necessary, appropriate corrective measures will be implemented.

We seek to ensure that:

  1. Fire hazards are managed to avoid the risk of fire starting.

  2. In the event of fire starting there is a means of detection within a reasonable time and provision for people to be warned of danger.

  3. People can reach a place of safety where they will be safe from the effects of fire.

  4. People are informed about what to do if there is a fire.

  5. Fire-fighting equipment is provided where necessary and which is appropriate to the type of fire anticipated and which is easily accessible, serviced, and well maintained.

  6. Regular inspections and maintenance will be carried out to fire protection systems and equipment and records of such inspections and maintenance kept.


We are committed to minimising the impact of our activities on the environment as far as is reasonably practicable.

We aim to achieve this by:

  1. Continually reviewing the impact our activities have on the environment and identifying ways where improvement can be made.

  2. Minimising waste and seeking to ensure our operations are carried out in as efficient a manner as possible.

  3. Minimising toxic emissions through the selection of clean and sustainable power sources where possible.

  4. Actively promoting recycling both in house and among our customers and Suppliers/ Contractors.

  5. Sourcing and promoting products that minimise the impact on the environment from cradle to grave.

  6. Seeking compliance with relevant environmental legislation.

Drug and Alcohol

The use of drugs and alcohol in our society is becoming increasingly common. The misuse of drugs and alcohol often affects an individual's performance, conduct and relationships.

We are committed to providing a safe environment for all employees and others who might be affected by our business activities. Accordingly, we will ensure that employees and sub-contractors understand our prohibition on working whilst under the influence of drugs and alcohol (which includes prescription drugs which might affect performance).

Staff must inform their line manager (Site Operatives must inform the Site Manager) if they are taking prescription medication which might affect their ability to work safely.


Smoking is not permitted within work areas or in any work vehicle.

Arrangements for smoking on construction sites will be determined by the site rules applicable to a project and will be communicated to employees and sub-contractors via the Construction Phase Plan and at induction.

Smokers must ensure smoking materials are fully extinguished before disposing of them. Smoking materials must NEVER be brought back into the work site for disposal or put into general rubbish bins.

Use of electronic cigarettes is not permitted in work areas but may be used in rest areas and in work vehicles.

Visit the NHS Choices website for help and support for people wanting to give up smoking.

Mental Health

We recognise that mental ill health in the workplace is a health and safety issue and is known to be a significant issue among workers in the construction industry, particularly unskilled workers and the finishing trades.

We are committed to protecting the physical and mental well-being of our Employees, Site Operatives as far as this is appropriate and reasonably practicable. We will seek to raise awareness to maintaining good mental health including:

  1. Identifying the signs of mental health conditions.

  2. Providing information about where to get help

  3. Encouraging supportive work environment.

  4. Visit the NHS Moodzone for help and support for mental health.